Canada Day
Due to the long weekend and Canada Day falling on a Monday this year, there was no regular City Council meeting on July 1. (Meetings will resume July 8). Instead, Monday was a day to celebrate the birthday of the founding of our nation, and a fantastic celebration was held at Maffeo Sutton Park. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful and scenic location for festivals, and the park was packed with people on Monday enjoying the holiday. My special thanks to City staff for organizing the event, especially Recreation Coordinator Deb Beck for her excellent work. Also great to see the young Leaders in Training volunteering to help at various stations throughout the park. Following a Celebration of Flags and brief speeches at the Lions Pavilion, the Order of the Eastern Star were busy handing out free cupcakes in honour of the special day. Lots of family entertainment and activities, and perfect weather as a bonus. A perfect day to relax and enjoy, and to reflect on how fortunate we are to live in such a wonderful country and city.